ferrara interne
National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Ferrara Division

Ferrara Division

The INFN Ferrara, initially a group connected to the Bologna section, was founded in 1989. The initial activity concerned accelerator experiments but in these thirty years it has grown and now it is active in all research aspects in which the institution is engaged: fundamental physics, applied physics, theoretical physics, development of innovative detectors. Among the experiments that saw the participation of the researchers of Ferrara there are experiments in the United States (SLD, BaBar, E760, E835, JLab12, Dune, etc. at laboratories such as Fermilab, SLAC, Jefferson Lab), at CERN in Geneva (R704, Charm, Chorus, NA48, NA62, LHCb), Germany (Hermes at DESY, Panda at GSI, Jedi at Juelich), China (BES-III), on satellite (Euclid, Litebird), as well as experiments conducted in Italy in the INFN laboratories in Frascati, Gran Sasso and Legnaro (Fenice, Traprad, Francium, Borexino, Xenon, etc.). The processes necessary to participate in these experiments required the use of both advanced mechanical / electronic instrumentation and highly controlled environments (clean rooms or clean rooms).


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